Filing Type | Organization Initiator | Official Receipt Date | Description | Comments Due By | Remarks | Associated Documents |
Organization - Trading Facility | Aqua-Index Exchange, LLC | 08/10/2015 | DCM (Designated Contract Market) Application | | | 2 |
Action | Southwest Power Pool, Inc. | 10/17/2013 | 4(c) Action: Application for 4(c) Exemption | 06/22/2015 | Request from Southwest Power Pool for 4(c)(6) Exemption. A proposed order and request for comment was published on 5/21/15. | 21 |
Organization - Trading Facility | GFI Futures Exchange LLC | 03/19/2013 | DCM (Designated Contract Market) Application | | . | 20 |
Action | Commercial Energy Working Group | 09/20/2012 | 4a(a)(7) Petition: Exemptive Relief - Bona Fide Hedging Transactions | | | 1 |
Action | Commodity Markets Council | 09/11/2012 | 4a(a)(7) Petition: Modify reporting requirements under Reg. 151.5(c) | | | 1 |
Action | American Public Power Association et al. | 07/12/2012 | Petition for Rulemaking: Petition to amend CFTC Rule 1.3(ggg)(4) | | | 14 |
Action | National Rural Electric Cooperative Association et al. | 06/08/2012 | 4(c) Action: Petition for relief from requirements of the CEA | | | 1 |
Action | Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Inc. | 04/26/2012 | 4a(a)(7) Petition: Exemptive relief - bona fide hedging transactions. | | | 1 |
Action | American Petroleum Institute | 03/13/2012 | 4a(a)(7) Petition: Exemptive relief - bona fide hedging transactions | | | 1 |
Action | Working Group of Commercial Energy Firms | 01/20/2012 | 4a(a)(7) Petition: Exemptive relief - bona fide hedging transactions. | | | 15 |