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Trading Organizations - Swap Execution Facilities (SEF)

Search Swap Execution Facilities(SEF) using the following criteria:

Date From: Open Calendar To: Open Calendar
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The results for the query dated : 1/28/2025 2:50:00 AM are:

OrganizationStatusDateRemarksAssociated Documents
360 Trading Networks, Inc.Registered as of01/22/2016.10
AEGIS SEF, LLCRegistered as of07/19/2022 11
BGC Derivatives Markets, L.P.Registered as of01/22/2016Registered by Commission order on January 22, 2016. BGC Derivatives Markets L.P. applied for temporary registration as a SEF on September 4, 2013 in order to trade swaps in various asset classes for which several organizations would serve as DCOs.8
Bloomberg SEF LLCRegistered as of01/22/2016.22
Cboe SEF, LLCRegistered as of01/22/2016Bats Hotspot SEF, LLC changed its name to Cboe SEF, LLC effective October 31, 2017. See 40.6 Rule Submission 1710-1702-5653-55 Filing No 37491. Javelin SEF, LLC changed its name to Bats Hotspot SEF, LLC on December 23, 2016. Javelin SEF, LLC applied for temporary registration as a SEF on August 2, 2013, in order to trade interest rate swaps for which the CME will act as DCO.6
Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Inc.Dormant as of01/22/2019 6
Clear Markets North America, Inc.Registered as of06/27/2016.9
DW SEF LLCRegistered as of01/22/2016DW SEF LLC applied for temporary registration as a SEF on July 8, 2013 in order to trade cash-settled interest rate swaps and credit default index swaps for which the CME, LCH. Clearnet Ltd and/or ICE Clear Credit will act as a DCO. DW SEF LLC received temporary SEF registration on September 6, 2013.14
EOX Exchange LLCWithdrawn as of02/23/2015EOX Exchange LLC applied for temporary registration on December 24, 2013 in order to trade permitted transactions which are not required to be cleared. EOX withdrew its application for SEF registration on 2/23/15.8
FTSEF LLCDormant as of05/26/2019 17
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